
超温馨又美轮美奂的情感文案 感情真挚 字字入心



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See through, not he who sees through. No one"s life is doomed to tragedy unless you put yourself in the wrong position. Any pain or parting is only a temporary experience. Your mission is to accompany yourself to the best of yourself! No matter what others think of you, you must know your importance!


Some people can only leave if they can"t wait. Some things, if you want them, you can only give up; In some past, happiness or pain can only be buried in the bottom of my heart; Some hope that we can only choose to forget about the present or the future.


Russia agreed not to meet and forget the humble oath.


When you break up, you will be yourself. A person"s world also has a rising moon and a falling moon, and there are also beautiful moments, which classify him as memory.


To some extent, it is normal for life to be incomplete, while it is abnormal for life to be complete, just as the principle of "a full moon is less than a lack of a month is more" is the same. If we understand the world and life in this way, we will soon become more accessible and comfortable, and our distress and gloom will go with the wind.


Happiness is sticking to what should be adhered to and giving up what should be given up.


I"m not a philanderer, I just pay too much attention to a person, resulting in no heart.


If it smells, it is camphor, sweet and safe, like clearly remembered happiness, sweet and disconsolate, like forgotten sorrow.


You are allowed to watch soap operas occasionally, but you should not become dependent. Permitting long hair, but paying attention to occasions. You are allowed to swear occasionally, but only in front of old friends or when you are alone. Remember to forget the things that make you sad.


Just because you didn"t see my tears doesn"t mean you didn"t make me cry!


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