
超温馨又美轮美奂的情感文案 治愈伤痛 字字入心


Last night, the moon is hazy, I quietly send you away, from then on, the horizon has a tearful little star 对我来说,最完全彻底的悲伤是,我才爱上你,就已要分离

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Last night, the moon is hazy, I quietly send you away, from then on, the horizon has a tearful little star.


For me, the most complete and complete sadness is that I have just fallen in love with you, and have to leave.


Looking at her happiness, I was speechless with pity and envy.


Maybe I don"t understand too much, maybe it"s my fault, maybe I have slowly missed, but I still look forward to your understanding.


I wish the rest of my life someone fresh clothes angry horse, to accompany you to see the flames of flowers, I wish the rest of my life someone plain white yarn, to accompany you to spend tranquil time.


If I can be with you, I would rather let the sky all the stars all lost, because your eyes, is the brightest light of my life.


Now, all of them have long been unrecognizable.


Eyes said do not walk mouth stubborn do not retain.


Follow the river and you"ll find the ocean.


Don"t forget the things you once you owned.Treasure the things you can"t get.Don"t give up the things that belong to you.Have lost, keep in memory.


Do you know the difference between you and the stars? The stars light up the night, but you light up my heart.


Every time something comes to my lips, it"s not shyness, it"s fear of not getting the answer I want.

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