
适合发朋友圈的正能量句子 句句经典入心



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一、当你不够强大时,你发的一切飚,在别人看来都只是个笑话。你以为做的一切都是为了身边最亲近的人,后来你才知道最亲近的人最需要你做的只是你在身边。When you are not strong enough, everything you send is just a joke to others. Everything you think you do is for the people closest to you. Later, you know that the people closest to you most need you to do is to be there.

二、岁月悄然前行,没有停留的痕迹。我们在岁月的轨道上行走,不要给岁月太多的装饰,不要给岁月太多的言语。给它我们随着时光追梦的身影,给它我们随着时光奔跑留下的一片足迹。Years go by quietly without any trace of staying. We walk on the track of the years, don"t give too much decoration to the years, don"t give too many words to the years. Give it the figure that we chase our dreams with time, give it a footprint that we run with time.

三、人生不过如此,保持乐观积极的情绪,迎着阳光,一路向前。不需要对生活太用力,心会带着我们去该去的地方。Life is just like this, keep optimistic and positive mood, face the sunshine, all the way forward. No need to put too much effort into life, the heart will take us to where we should go.

四、为了更好的生活,为了自己的梦想,或者为了追求一个很好的自己。不是快乐的人就没有悲伤的,就像翠竹总要开花,凋折,而四季也总有萌蘖和落叶的时节。一个人若是到了没有任何东西可以依赖的时候,往往会变得坚强起来。心复杂,世界就是迷宫。事情看得太明白,往往就失了做事的勇气!For a better life, for your dreams, or for the pursuit of a good self. No one who is not happy has no sorrow, just as Cuizhu always blossoms and withers, and there are always times of budding and deciduous leaves in all seasons.

When there is nothing to rely on, a person often becomes strong. Complex heart, the world is a labyrinth. If you see things too clearly, you often lose your courage to do things!

五、忙碌里,谁都有难处,现实中,谁都有苦楚,人生,总有太多的纠结,让我们无助。所以,有些事,可以认真,但不要较真,心若轻松,路才顺当。Busy, everyone has difficulties, in reality, everyone has suffering, life, there are always too many tangles, let us helpless. Therefore, some things can be taken seriously, but not more seriously. If you are relaxed, the road will be smooth.

六、你会不断地遇见一些人,也会不停的和一些人说再见,从陌生到熟悉,从熟悉再回陌生,从相见恨晚到不如不见。不要动不动就倾其所有,与其卑微到尘土里,不如留一些骄傲与疼爱给自己,最卑贱不过感情,最凉不过人心。You will constantly meet some people, and will continue to say goodbye to some people, from unfamiliar to familiar, from familiar to unfamiliar, from hatred to see. Don"t always pour everything into the dust. Instead of being humble, leave some pride and love for yourself. The humblest is not emotional, the coldest is not popular.

七、 宁愿因做自己而招人厌恶,也不愿为了迎合他人而伪装自己,懂你的人会留下来,不懂你的人,你祈求不来。因为别人活得不快乐,不如为了自己活得更自由。I would rather be disgusted by being myself than disguise myself in order to cater to others. Those who know you will stay, those who don"t know you, you can"t pray for them. Because others don"t live happily, it"s better to live freely for themselves.

八、我希望有一个如你一般的人,如山间清爽的风,如古城温暖的光,从清晨到夜晚,由山野到书房,只要最后是你,就好。我客客气气对你,是希望你用同样的方式和我相处,而不是来看你表演什么叫做得寸进尺。I hope to have a person like you, such as the fresh wind in the mountains, such as the warm light of the ancient city, from morning to night, from the mountains to the study, as long as you are the last one. I"m polite to you. I want you to get along with me in the same way, not to see what you"re doing.

九、这世界上根本不存在“不会做”这回事,当你失去了所有的依靠的时候,自然就什么都会了。只要我们敢于不断尝试,失败也没关系。There is no such thing as "not doing" in the world. When you lose all your dependence, everything will happen naturally. As long as we dare to keep trying, it doesn"t matter if we fail.

十、我们的失败,有时和能力无关,而是在困境中缺少韧性,坚持称了我们最大的短板。但凡成功者,并非都出类拔萃,而是他们相信勤能补拙,只要忍受了,挺住了,成功早晚露出笑容。Sometimes our failure has nothing to do with our ability, but lacks resilience in our predicament, insisting on calling us the biggest shortboard. But all successful people are not outstanding, but they believe that diligence can make up for their weaknesses, as long as they endure, hold on, success sooner or later show a smile.

十一、从时光机踏出,我回到了我们第一次见面的地点。费尽心机使那个我与你背道而驰,人生若只如初见,不如不见。孤独不是没有人陪,而是身边明明有很多人却没有一个人可以说话。After stepping out of the time machine, I returned to the place where we first met. Take pains to make that I run counter to you. If life is just like first sight, it"s better not to see it. Loneliness is not that there is no one to accompany, but that there are clearly many people around but no one can speak.

十二、多年以后的某个深夜,你会不会突然想起我,然后泪如泉涌,才发现你曾亏欠我太多。讨厌我也没关系,我也不见得喜欢你。所以收起你那不值钱的傲气,要知道讨厌和被讨厌是成正比的。Many years later, one night, will you suddenly think of me, and then burst into tears, only to find that you owed me too much. It doesn"t matter if I hate you. I don"t necessarily like you either. So take away your pride and know that hatred is proportional to hatred.

十三、人这一辈子,我们不能白来这一遭。所以让我们从快乐开始!做你想做的,爱你想爱的。做错了,不必后悔,不要埋怨,世上没有完美的人。跌倒了,爬起来重新来过。不经风雨怎能见彩虹,相信下次会走得更稳。In our lifetime, we can"t come here for nothing. So let"s start with happiness! Do what you want to do, love what you want to love. Do wrong, do not regret, do not complain, there is no perfect person in the world. Fall down, get up and start over again.

How can we see the rainbow without rain and wind? I believe we will walk more steadily next time.

十四、出路,不通时,选择拐弯,心,不快时,选择看淡;情,渐远时,选择随意。有些事,挺一挺,就过去了。有些人,就是去狠一狠,也就忘记了。有些苦,笑一笑,就冰释了。有颗心,伤一伤,那么也就是坚强了。Outlet, when not open, choose turning, heart, when not happy, choose to look down; feeling, when away, choose at will. Some things, quite a bit, passed away. Some people just forget it when they go hard. Some bitterness, laugh, ice release. Have a heart, hurt a wound, then it is strong.

十五、我们永远不要期待别人的拯救,只有自己才能升华自己。自己已准备好了多少容量,方能吸引对等的人与我们相遇,否则再美好的人出现,再动人的事情降临身边,我们也没有能量去理解与珍惜,终将擦肩而过。We should never expect the salvation of others, only ourselves can sublimate ourselves. How much capacity we have prepared to attract our counterparts to meet us, otherwise we will not have the energy to understand and cherish the beautiful people and touching things when they come to us.

十六、红尘一梦,谁是你的,你是谁的,只是自作多情,人生无奈,你以为,只是你以为,你的能力跟不上眼光,你的耐力跟不上心算,你的失败,只是自以为是。A dream of the world, who are you, who are you, just self-affectionate, helpless life, you think, just you think, your ability can not keep up with the vision, your endurance can not keep up with the mind, your failure, just self-righteous.

十七、 生活的忙忙碌碌,感觉前途一片茫然。今天做的一切挣扎都是在为明天积蓄力量,所以别放弃。在生活中有太多人只是一味地等待,而不去争取。The busy life, feel the future is at a loss. Everything you do today is to build up strength for tomorrow, so don"t give up. There are too many people in life who just wait and don"t fight.

十八、从今天开始,做个难相处的人,尽情尽兴的给讨厌的人甩脸子,光明正大给喜欢的人说情话,情愿少活几年,只想痛快一点。我总会很心疼这个姑娘,自己默默无闻的付出,却从来不被珍惜。有的时候,甚至还会被践踏。Beginning today, be a difficult person, shake off the face of the hated person with all your heart, and talk openly and honestly to the person you like. I would rather live a few years less and just want to be happy. I will always be very sad for this girl, their unknown efforts, but never cherished. Sometimes, it can even be trampled on.

十九、女人一生最成功的事情之一,便是选了一个对的男人。炊烟起了,我在门口等你。夕阳下了,我在山边等你。叶子黄了,我在树下等你。月儿弯了,我在十五等你。细雨来了,我在伞下等你。 流水冻了,我在河畔等你。生命累了,我在天堂等你。我们老了,我在来生等你。One of the most successful things in a woman"s life is to choose the right man. The smoke is up. I"ll wait for you at the door. When the sun sets, I"ll wait for you by the hillside. The leaves are yellow. I"ll wait for you under the tree. The moon is bent.

I"m waiting for you in the fifteenth year. The rain is coming. I"ll wait for you under the umbrella. The running water is frozen. I"ll wait for you by the river. Life is tired, I am waiting for you in heaven. We"re old. I"ll wait for you in the next life.

二十、 总是看到比自己优秀的人,说明你正在往高处走;总是看到比自己差的人,说明你正在走下坡路。事业远比爱情重要。如果说事业都不能永恒,那么爱情只能是昙花一现。Always see people who are better than you, that means you are going up; Always see people who are worse than you, that means you are going downhill. Career is far more important than love. If career can not last forever, then love can only be a flash in the pan.

二十一、趁你现在还有时间,尽你自己最大的努力,努力做成你最想做的那件事,成为你最想成为的那种人,过着你最想过的那种生活,这个世界永远比你想的要更精彩,不要败给生活。While you still have time, try your best to do what you want to do, to be the kind of person you want to be, to live the kind of life you want to live, the world will always be more wonderful than you think, don"t lose to life.

二十二、 突如其来的关心会让我措手不及,遇见太会说话的人我仍然想保持距离,能打动我的从来都不是花言巧语,而是恰到好处的温柔以及真挚的内心。Suddenly caring will take me by surprise. I still want to keep a distance when I meet too talkative people. It"s not rhetoric that moves me, but just the right gentleness and sincere heart.

二十三、最让人羡慕的不是被很多人追,而是遇见一个不管怎样都不会放弃你的人;纵然知道生活不会这么轻易,但我希望你在我的未来里,余生都是你。The most enviable thing is not to be chased by many people, but to meet a person who will never give up on you anyway. Even though I know that life will not be so easy, I hope you will be you for the rest of your life in my future.

二十四、人生一旦给自己定位,人就失去动力,富人会孤寂,穷人常叹气,所以人必须有远大的目标,让自己一生都在奔跑,只有这样,也只有这样,你才感觉不到生活的乏味与无聊。Once life is positioned for itself, people lose motivation, rich people will be lonely, poor people often sigh - so people must have lofty goals, let themselves run all their lives, only in this way, only in this way, you can not feel the boredom and boredom of life.

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