
暖暖的高级温情文案 释放忧伤 走心又深情!


Jealousy is the most obvious confession, waiting is the most stupid confession 那样奢侈的想把所有都丢掉,一个人去流浪

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Jealousy is the most obvious confession, waiting is the most stupid confession.


So luxurious want to throw everything away, a person to stray.


Today will be yesterday, tomorrow will be the past, but I will always be by your side, make now forever.


The two men looked at each other and continued to laugh.Laugh tired as nothing happened, move on.


I would like to believe that every little bit of fireworks that light up the night sky never go out, they finally rose to the sky, transformed into the stars tonight.


Missing, is a beautiful and moving landscape, each one is haunting.Missing, is a meaningful poem, between the lines with the echo of the heart.


Love is vulnerable to misunderstanding.


In fact, there are two bestie is enough, one is willing to lend you money, when she asks you for money, the other dare to help you beat her, so that is enough......


Hidden in the bottom of my heart is not deliberately to hide, but not all the pain can cry.


I pray for your happiness, even if it cost me my happiness is life, and never regret it.


Hip hop, wait for me, I must stand on the top and smile.

爱情和谋杀一样,总是要暴露的。——威· 康格里夫

Love, like murder, must always be exposed.-- Willy Congreve

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