
暖暖的高级温情文案 简单而大方 深沉又深情!


Fairy tales are deceptive, Andersen is also deceiving himself 于万千人之中我也能一眼便认出你,因为别人走在路上,你走在我心上

友情提示:本文共有 1592 个字,阅读大概需要 4 分钟。


Fairy tales are deceptive, Andersen is also deceiving himself.


Among thousands OF people I can recognize you, because others walk on the road, you walk in my heart.


There is no animal in the world, run faster than time and life, race time is not speed, but love in the slow dance between two souls.


Used to loneliness, used to miss, used to wait for you, also used to have been unable to see you, accustomed to no contact.


Because of your love, life becomes more wonderful, because of your love life will be more meaningful.


How endless night, do not forget me beside you is an immortal flame, lit every hope in your heart, dancing and jumping for you all your life.

“ 眼泪,是当你无法用嘴 来解释你的心碎的时候,用眼睛 表达情绪的唯一方式。”???

"Tears are the only way to express your feelings with your eyes when you can"t explain your broken heart with your mouth."?????


A wisp of fireworks, two wipe of the world of mortals, I have the honor to meet you.


Love is love without reason and tolerance without premise.


We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.There is no remedy for love but to love more.


Swing back and forth, just to not let yourself stop.


Even if acacia, even if doomed forever, I only wish you eyes and eyebrows as before, elegance as ever.


Facing the sea, with spring blossoms.

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