
冷酷而经典的情感句子 幸福感满满 句句触心


Well, if you expect, you deserve to be disappointed 一生懒惰,却在想你这件事上很用心

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Well, if you expect, you deserve to be disappointed.


Lazy life, but think you very hard on this matter.


Have time never know how to cherish this is everyone"s common fault.

这个世界上从来没有那么多的一见如故和无话不谈, 不过是因为我喜欢你,所以你说的话才有意义。

In this world, there are never so many old friends and talk about everything, but it is because I like you that what you say makes sense.


Understand, is the deepest mutual love;Company, is the deepest habit of two love mutually pleasing.


Loving you is my fault, not loving you is my miss, rather let the beautiful mistake born, also don"t want to miss any chance to say I love you.


"You will be lonely." "Why?" "Because you live alone in my heart and have no neighbors."


Time buried many young bodies.


You never tell me what you mean. I can"t risk it.


I do not allow you to be lonely, my love and thoughts will always accompany you around, with them to accompany you, you will not feel lonely!


The body is often more honest than the mind.


Give me your hand. I can read your palm. You"re missing me.

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