
失落分手的伤感文案 懂你的每个瞬间 能解人心


There are a lot of things that get worse the harder you try, like falling in love and acting natural 不是所有人都像我这么爱你,你特么记得点

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It"s a long answer, and I"m going to spend my whole life answering it. Are you ready to hear it?


There are a lot of things that get worse the harder you try, like falling in love and acting natural.


Not everyone loves you as much as I do, so fucking remember.


Wronged all suffer, if not grow, it would be a loss.


You are so vulgar. I told that lie the year before last.


I don"t hold grudges and I don"t care


You say you like rain, but when it rains you open an umbrella, you say you wind, but you close the window when it is windy.


Accustomed to loneliness, a person is the world.


Say they all left, is want in oneself most lonely time, let them all come back one by one.


After who say love you, go up pa a mouth son, he should not fight back he is true love you.


Some people say that the pain to the extreme, is not cry out, only acerbity, in the chest.


The moment you turn around, my depressed life.

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