

时间:2019-04-22 05:25:11



历史演义小说,historical novel

1)historical novel历史演义小说

1.On the creation characteristics ofhistorical novels during Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清历史演义小说的创作特点

2.An investigation into the causes for "idealization" in molding the images of characters inhistorical novels历史演义小说人物形象塑造“理想化”的原因探寻

3.The Chinesehistorical novel is of a typical masculine discourse, in which women images are only the author s tools to convey the points of view of women s moral.在历史演义小说中,男性叙事者将其笔下的女性形象分为明显的正反两大阵营。


1.Historical Novel: A Great Invention of China s Novelists;历史演义小说:中国小说家的一大发明

2.Historical Novels of "Stratum Accumulation" --Hu Shi s Experimental Research Method on Historical Novels;“层累”的历史演义小说——论胡适对历史演义小说的实验主义研究方法

3.Primary Discussion on The Innovation of Suitangyanyi in Historical Novel Creation;试论《隋唐演义》对历史演义小说创作的创新

4.A cultural interpretation of the image of generals with literary grace in Chinese historical romances历史演义小说中“儒将”形象的文化解读

5.Influence of the Owner of the Book Workshop on Historical Novels in Ming Dynasty论书坊主对明代历史演义小说的影响


position Way of Historical Romances and Its Evolution in Ming and Qing Dynasty;明清历史演义小说的编创方式及其演变

7.Writing Trend and Development of Historical Novel of Ming Dynasty;明代历史演义小说的创作倾向与发展演进

8.On Historiographers psychology of culture and its influence on historical novels;论史官文化心态对历史演义小说的影响

9.The Influence of History Books Written in Biographical Style on Historical Novels:the Case of Novels in Sui and Tang Dynasties论正史与历史演义小说:以隋唐题材为例

10.The Cultural and Aesthetic Meanings of the Sagacious Emperors in the Chinese Historical Romances;明清历史演义小说中明君形象的审美文化意义

11.The Characteristic Comparison Between "Literacy First" and "History First" of the Historical Novel历史演义小说“尚文”“崇史”特征比较——兼论李杨故事在历史演义小说中的传承

12.The Prototypic Features of Women Image in Historical Novels;历史演义小说中女性形象的类型化特征

13.Double Twisted Mirror--the Female Images in Historical Novel;双重扭曲的镜像——论历史演义小说中的女性形象

14.Seeking the features of the characters in historical romances from aesthetic and cultural angles;历史演义小说人物性格特征的审美文化探因

15.An investigation into the causes for "idealization" in molding the images of characters in historical novels历史演义小说人物形象塑造“理想化”的原因探寻

16.Historical Romance and Historical Novels--Modernization of Historical Romance;演义与历史小说——传统演义的现代转化

17.Viewing the Fictive Gain and Loss of the Historical Novel from从《三国演义》看历史小说虚构的得与失

18.The lengthy historical novel" the Romance of the Three Kingdoms" inside, displays obviously censures Cao.长篇历史小说《三国演义》里面,表现出明显的贬曹。


the early historical romance早期历史演义小说

1.As regards the narrative structure,the time sequence of "External Commentary to the Han Odes" has been adopted bythe early historical romance and transcended in the narrative sequence,and its narrat.《韩诗外传》的文学性,对早期历史演义小说的形成有着直接的影响。

3)historical novels of Lieguo system列国系统历史演义小说

4)the development of history of novels小说历史演进

5)new historical novel新历史主义小说

1.Lu Xun and thenew historical novelists applied the narrative strategies of irony, dramatics and invention of absurd plot and anatomized the ever-reigning grand narration and established authority.鲁迅和新历史主义小说家用反讽、戏仿、虚构荒诞情节等叙事策略 ,完成了对占统治地位的一切宏大叙事、既定权威的“解构

6)Historical romance历史演义

1.A cultural interpretation of the image of generals with literary grace in Chinese historical romances;历史演义小说中“儒将”形象的文化解读

2.Wu Jian-ren is the man who firstly transformed historical romance at that time,and Zeng Pu firstly wrote panoramic historical novel in China.在这一过程中,吴趼人是第一个对传统历史演义进行历史小说转化的作家,曾朴则是第一个从事全景式历史小说创作的作家。

3.In the historical romances in the Ming and Qing dyn asties,there are military counselors such as Zhu Geliang,Jiang Ziya, Zhang Liang ,Li Jing,Xu Maogong and Liu Ji.明清历史演义塑造了诸葛亮、姜子牙、张良、李靖、徐懋功、刘基等一系列军师形象,赢得了接受者的广泛喜爱。



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