
书信体小说 epistolary novel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-25 14:45:13


书信体小说 epistolary novel英语短句 例句大全

"书信体小说"又称"书信体小说",是一种以书信形式展现的小说,通过书信、日记和其他文学文本的交织,呈现出丰富的叙事和人物形象。这种小说形式在文学史上占有重要地位,展现了独特的叙事风格和情感表达方式。本文整理了关于书信体小说和epistolary novel的英语短句和例句大全,帮助读者更好地了解和欣赏这一文学形式。这些例句涵盖了书信体小说的多种形式和风格,从经典名著到现代佳作,展现了书信体小说的魅力和多样性。无论是作为学习参考还是文学鉴赏,这些例句都能为读者提供丰富的阅读体验和文学启发。

书信体小说,epistolary novel

1)epistolary novel书信体小说

1.The Importation of the Western Epistolary Novel and the Rise and Decline of China s Epistolary Novel during "May 4th" Period;五四时期西方书信体小说的传入与中国书信体小说的兴起和衰落

2.The existential characteristics of characters self-created or other-created could be found in theepistolary novels with the study of the narrative type concerning the existential pattern of characters and their relationship.从人物的存在方式及人物关系等角度研究书信体小说人物的叙事类型,可以发现书信体小说人物具有自造性和他造性的存在特征,由此形成自造性人物和他造性人物。

3.The Epistolary Novel The New Heloise, one of Rousseau s most famous literary works, has far-reaching implications in the history of literature.书信体小说《新爱洛伊丝》作为卢梭的代表作之一,在文学史上有着深远的影响。


1.The Importation of the Western Epistolary Novel and the Rise and Decline of China s Epistolary Novel during "May 4th" Period;五四时期西方书信体小说的传入与中国书信体小说的兴起和衰落

2.A Brief Comment on the Studies of Chinese Modern Diary-style and Epistolary Stories;中国现代日记体、书信体小说研究综述

3.On Epistolary Novel and the Making of ModernSubject as a Discourse in the West;近代西方书信体小说与主体性话语的建构

4.Existence and Exchange--On the Narrative Features of Characters in Epistolary Novel;存在与交流——试论书信体小说人物叙事特征

5.On The Uncertainty of Interpretation: A Case Study of Clarissa诠释的不确定性——从《克拉丽莎》看对书信体小说的解读

6.Jewish Identification and Its Narrative Strategies in Oates s Epistolary Short Fiction "The Cousins";大屠杀叙事与犹太身份认同:欧茨书信体小说《表姐妹》的犹太寻根主题及叙事策略分析

7.Epistolary Form in the Color Purple;论小说《紫颜色》中的书信体(英文)

8.A written form of dialogues--The interpretation of letters in Pride and Prejudice;对话的书面形式——小说《傲慢与偏见》中书信解读

9.Novels in Record of Art and Culture,History of Han Dynasty and Establishment of Chinese Novel Style;《汉书·艺文志》之“小说”与中国小说文体确立

10.The title of his autobiography, “Before I Die Again”, which appeared in 1992, refers to his belief in reincarnation.他的自传体小说“在我再次死亡之前”在1992年面世,书名是指他相信灵魂的再生。

11.A Modern Female and Her Sickly Body-Reinterpreting the Body Writing of Lu Yin s Novels;时代女性与女性病体——重读庐隐小说的身体书写

12.Body and Revolution--On Body Writing in Revolution-and-romance Novels;身体与革命——论“革命+恋爱”小说的身体书写

13.The Relationship Between the Rise of Historical Novels in Ming Dynasty and Books-Printing of Jianyang;明代讲史小说文体的兴盛与建阳刻书的关系

14.Inspection of Sexes: Loving and Marriage Expression in the Novels of Macao;性别体验:澳门小说中的爱情与婚姻书写

15.Writers Experienced Studying Abroad and Their Works异域体验与文学书写——论老舍小说的意义生成

16.The Metaphor of Writing on the Belief of Revolutionary "Charisma"--Early proletariat novel "revolutionary-in love" pattern explanation;革命“克理斯玛”信仰的隐喻性书写——早期普罗小说“革命-恋爱”模式阐释

17.I was told the letter telegram is the cheapest.据说书信电报费最便宜。

18.Rewriting the Black Female Body-The Body Representation in Alice Walker s Novels;重书黑人女性身体—艾丽斯·沃克小说中的身体呈现


an epistolary novel书信体小说.

3)the epistolary novel with a single letter单信式书信体小说

4)the inserted epistolary多信式书信体小说

5)diary-style and epistolary stories日记体书信体小说

6)the epistolary novel with multi-letters内嵌式书信体小说


书信体小说用书信的形式写成的小说。以第气人称“我”为主人公,讲解故事,塑造形象,写人叙事都以“我”的亲身经历,亲眼见闻展开,使人感到亲切,增加真实感。著名的书信体小说有德国歌德的《少年维特之烦恼》、卢梭《新爱洛绮丝》。richardson是书信体小说的大师,他的第一本书信体小说“pamela”反响很好,非常有戏剧性(dramatic).他要告诉读者不能都幻想跟pamela一样,可以麻雀变凤凰。pamela的结局是偶然,并非必然。书信体小说确实是有局限的,因为情节都是体现在人物的书信上,因此作者很容易对小说失去控制,不同的人物总要说符合自己身份的话吧,而这些话产生的影响未必都是作者的本意了。不过书信体小说有个好处,就是能够让小说很生动,以为它都是从现在的角度叙述过去(bring the past to present)。richardson后来一部比较出名的书信体小说《克拉莉莎》是英国第一部悲剧小说。再后来的书信体小说比较出名的有《少年维特之烦恼》。

  1. 书读我2024-04-01 08:05书读我[天津市网友]
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