
被伤心包围的情感文案 有道理有意义 一眼难忘


如果你真正的爱上了一个人,你会发现,最终你想要的,只是Ta能快乐。哪怕,不是与你。If you truly love someone, you will find that, in the

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If you truly love someone, you will find that, in the end, all you want is for them to be happy.Even if it"s not with you.


In the middle of loved and hurt, we always choose to love and hurt.


I don"t know how to love you. Looking at you is the only way I know.


Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart.


You"re doing so well. It"s so stressful when I"m with you.

男生最好的聘礼就是一生的互相迁就 与疼爱,女生最好的嫁妆就是一颗体贴温暖的心

The best betrothal gift for boys is a lifetime of mutual accommodation and love, the best dowry for girls is a warm and considerate heart


Whenever encounter frustrated things, as long as think of your smile, your inspiration, I will cheer up, strong go on.


Origin edge out, edge thick edge light, not our control.What we can do is to cherish the short time when karma meets.


In love, two people insist is happiness, if only one person insist, it is called pain.


The goal of a woman"s struggle should be to make the former man regret, the present man sweat, and the future man rare.


Far afraid of life, nearly afraid of trouble, less afraid of light, more afraid of entanglement.


When I cry, you cry too.I don"t think you"re as lonely as I am.When I smile, you still cry.Originally you than I lonely.


A person"s sadness, a person is disappointed.


Think of the joy of watching the sun rise and set with me.

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