
冷酷而经典的情感句子 有道理有意义 温柔而美好


If love is necessary, why ask if it is worth it?如果爱是必要的,为什么要问是否值得?If deep feelings are always failed, whats

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Sometimes people who feel that the world is small and they don"t want to see can meet at a supermarket, and sometimes people who feel that the world is big and they want to see each other really don"t have goodbye.


If love is necessary, why ask if it is worth it?


If deep feelings are always failed, what"s wrong with being lonely for the rest of your life?


Tired, squat down and hug yourself, still stubborn, but so much.


The harm a man does to a woman is not necessarily that he falls in love with someone else, but that he disappoints her when she is expecting something, and fails to give her the comfort she deserves when she is vulnerable.


Learn to love yourself first, and then others will love you.


If the enemy makes you angry, it means that you are not sure of defeating him. If a friend makes you angry, it means that you still care about his friendship.


I fell in love with you when I was young, and I wanted to live up to it.


Who said that youth is fleeting, who knows how time flies, and time has been flowing slowly through the dust full of sadness for many years, without showing the slightest emotion, only a dim figure, hiding in the dark night where the sun has been buried for a long time, quietly tasting the taste of missing, like a cup of strong old wine and a cup of bitter coffee, among which no one knows the taste.


You didn"t stay, I didn"t look back, so the rest of my life was well, and no one was bad. It was really just a bad time!


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