
失落分手的伤感文案 温柔而文雅 护你天真


You from a stranger, became one of the most RELUCTANT to leave 我不允许你懦弱,你要非常强悍,我这么不听话,你要管得住我哦!I will n

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You from a stranger, became one of the most RELUCTANT to leave.


I will not allow you to be weak, you have to be very strong, I am so disobedient, you have to control me oh!


Sometimes, you have to believe that there are people and things that really have nothing to do with trying


Don"t be afraid to say "I"m sorry."Sincere apology to others, often can win the respect of others, open mind is the source of happy life.


In this is not sad or not happy state, smile, but no clue, injury, is not sad, self smile is the soul of the static agent, quiet in the self.


I really want to do a hundred things to keep you, but even if I do ten thousand things can not keep you, the most uncomfortable thing is that I can not do a thing.


"If you were the sun, guess what I would be." "I don"t know." "I would be ice cream." "Why?" "Because you melted my heart."


You"ll never know how much you hurt me every time I get close and you hide.Disappointed enough, enough despair, I will leave.


I don"t have the bustling abandoned the world negative people against the country, just to accompany you wandering around the world idle to see fallen flowers.


Don"t say fish without tears even if flow into the whole sea you have no idea.


That silent meteor for thousands of years, burdened with too many wishes.


The best way for two people to get along is to know that you advance and I retreat.

???当你变好 你才会遇到更好的

?????You get better when you get better

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