
失落分手的伤感文案 温柔而文雅 深刻有涵义!


The future is still a variable, but on the road to the future, I still want to hold your hand, careful management togethe

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The future is still a variable, but on the road to the future, I still want to hold your hand, careful management together, and strive to look forward to the arrival of happiness one day.


Don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happened


There will always be people who will love you in the simplest way, not routine.It"s not flirtatious, it"s the kind that likes you so much and wants to treat you better and better.


The world is so big, there will always be someone to cherish.


Sometimes, love is also kind of hurt.Cruel people, choose to hurt others;Good people, choose to hurt themselves.


Previously thought never forget things, as we never forget the process, we were forgotten.


In love this play always has a leading role and a supporting role, tired is always the leading role, hurt is always supporting role.

你怎样对我 我就怎样对你

Will I do to you what you do to me


Today"s persistent, will lead to tomorrow"s regret.


Even I laugh at myself, usually careless, but when I see you gentle.


The closed heart is finally opened by you, a small space can only accommodate you, you are the only one in my heart, because there is no room for another person.


If a person only for their own efforts, after all too lonely.If someone you care about is watching, it"s worth living.

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