
深夜独自伤神的情感文字 温柔而高级 让人难以忘怀


I know her so well that as long as she talks to me, no matter how hard she talks, shes just waiting for me to coax her 那夜,你为她撑伞,却忘了我也怕雨淋

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I know her so well that as long as she talks to me, no matter how hard she talks, she"s just waiting for me to coax her.


That night, you hold an umbrella for her, but forget that I am also afraid of the rain.


You know not to know every time you and girl playfully smiling face, my heart good afflictive.


Moths fight fire, just to prove the meaning of their existence, even if only for a moment.


You know life is a drift from place to place, but because you met that person, it feels like time is repeated, not so long.


When I am too lazy to take the initiative, I will slowly accept the initiative to me.


The people who want to love you will go to great lengths to send you home, while the people who want to sleep with you will do all they can to take you to a hotel.


Rain over the air, tired of the sad, my memory of the fairy tale has been slowly melting.


If your temper has been very bad, it only means that someone has been spoiled you, please remember to cherish.


True freedom is not how much space you have to act, but how much mood to be understood.


Wait to only hurt not love.


I do not allow you to be jealous, joking, I am so single-minded, if I look at other girls in front of you, I cut myself!

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