
送给自己的治愈文案 现实而坚定 深沉而有意义


Because of you, no one else can fit in my heart 顺着泪痕一点一点擦净,然后一句话也不说就走Wipe it off bit by bit along the tr

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Because of you, no one else can fit in my heart.


Wipe it off bit by bit along the trail of tears, and then walk away without saying a word


It is better to live beautifully than to be beautiful!


With love to ruthless, empty leave.


You will meet someone, just the right person for you


The joy of love does not end in a passionate embrace.Love, must have a constant quality, to love yourself, but also to love each other.-- Pope


If you want something bad enough, nothing can stop you from getting it.


Envy those who have no attachment once separated.After all, time will not turn back, after all, the day has to pass.


Origin edge out, edge thick edge light, not our control.What we can do is to cherish the short time when karma meets.


Relationships are a constant disappointment, the same thing for years.


I just a person walk too long, long to I have been used to a person.


At first glance, think you long not how, a careful look...Might as well take a look.

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