
送给自己的治愈文案 字里行间的伤心 充满温暖


I nostalgic, because I cant see you and the future 没什么关系,这就是我对你的意义

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I nostalgic, because I can"t see you and the future.


It doesn"t matter. That"s what I mean to you.


There are so many options in life.Society is like a river"s lake, always let a person involuntarily, insincere.


It"s pride, vanity, and jealousy that have kept you where you are today, and your growth depends on these negative energies instead of innate goodness.


If you slip, you may be right back on your feet. If you fail, you may never recover.


Just, the coming will always come, blindly escape is just more interpretation of cowardice.


After a long time may not see the people, it rained to know where there is a pit.


At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.


The world becomes so beautiful because of you, life becomes so full because of you, life becomes so meaningful because of you!


I"m here for the rest of your life.


Affection is like hair, long will bifurcate!


Two people only one of the most tacit understanding of things you no longer contact him she no longer contact you so strange flying to each other

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