
英语中empathy与sympathy的区别 你知道怎么用才是正确的吗?



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EMPATHY vs SYMPATHY: How to Use Sympathy vs Empathy in English 英语中如何使用Sympathy与Empathy

Difference between empathyvs sympathy. When describing what you feel about the other person’s emotions, you might use one of the two words, empathy vs sympathy. These words sound very similar, they both come from Greek and therefore, are confused very often. Still, they aren’t synonyms, and they can’t replace one another in a sentence. But what’s the difference?



Empathyvs Sympathy Definition 定义

SYMPATHY is acknowledging that the other person is going through an emotional or physical struggle, supporting them and giving them comfort.


EMPATHY is something more than just this. It’s actually understanding what the other person is feeling because you’ve had a similar experience yourself or you’re able to put yourself in their shoes.EMPATHY不仅仅是这个。它实际上是在理解对方的感受,因为你自己也有类似的经历,或者你能够把自己放在自己的位置。

Examples: 例子:

The nurse should try to develop EMPATHY between herself and the patient. 护士应该在自己和病人之间培养同理心。I have no SYMPATHY for Jan, it’s all her own fault. 我不同情简,这都是她自己的错。

When to Use Sympathyvs Empathy 什么时候使用同情和同理心

Both sympathyand empathy are heartfelt and honest feelings but empathy is a deeper one. When you express sympathy, you realize that someone is feeling sad or depressed but when you express empathy, you actually feel exactly what the other person is feeling.


For instance, when a doctor provides comfort to a sick patient and his family, he is being sympathetic. But when a doctor supports the family of a patient because he himself has a relative who’s suffering from the same illness, what he’s feeling is best described as empathy.


People who are going through difficult times can receive both empathy and sympathyfrom people around them. However, these feelings don’t necessarily go together. One other example is a person who has lost a loved one. This person will obviously receive a lot of compassion, support, and sympathy from his friends and family.


But only those of his friends who have been in the same situation and lost someone as well will be able to be empathetic. 但是,只有那些和他有过同样遭遇、也失去了亲人的朋友才会有同理心。

If you’re a science fiction fan, it will probably be easier for you to remember what’s the difference between sympathyand empathy. Maybe in one of your favorite books or movies you’ve read or heard something about empathy: the paranormal ability to read the emotions of a different person.


After all, reading someone else’s emotions and putting yourself in their shoes is pretty much the same thing, and it’s empathy, not sympathy, that describes both of them.


Empathy vs Sympathy Examples 例子

It is important to develop the empathy between dogs and their handlers. 培养狗和主人之间的同理心是很重要的。She had a deep empathy with animals. 她对动物有很深的同情心。They could combine their compassion and empathy with being helpful. 他们可以把他们的同情心和同理心与乐于助人结合起来。As you increase the limit setting, you need to increase your empathy. 当你增加设限时,你需要增加你的同理心。Their eyes are large with concern and empathy, and everywhere there are enfolding arms. 他们的眼睛睁得大大的,充满了关心和同理心,到处都是拥抱的双臂。A qualified career counselor can extend greater empathy to their clients. 一个合格的职业咨询师可以为他们的客户提供更多的同理心。In every case, the need for empathy and positive regard is greatly increased. 在任何情况下,对同理心和积极关注的需求都大大增加。She expressed her sympathy to the bereaved family. 她向死者家属表示同情。She never expressed any sympathy when I was injured. 我受伤时,她从未表示过任何同情。I must confess I have some sympathy with his views. 我必须承认我对他的观点有些同情。There was no personal sympathy between them. 他们之间没有个人的同情。The President has offered his sympathy to the Georgian people. 总统向格鲁吉亚人民表示慰问。He wants to express his deep sympathy to the Humphreys family. 他想对汉弗莱一家表示深切的同情。I don’t want your sympathy! 我不需要你的同情!

How to Use Sympathy vs Empathy Correctly | Picture 如何正确运用sympathy与empathy的|图

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