
忍不住感动的温情短句 感同身受 充满爱意


Hold your hand, long walk 没有什么过不去,只是再也回不去

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Hold your hand, long walk.


Nothing can"t be figured out. The past just can"t be reached again.


It would be disappointing if all one"s interest in life depended on the stormy impulses of love.-- Madame Curie


If true if unreal, pity pity righteousness.


Marriage is an umbrella.With it, when the sun and rain natural comfort and clinking, but more flat light weather, more than an umbrella is hard to avoid.


It is said that people who can"t sleep at night, it is because they wake up in someone else"s dream.


You must come to my wedding.Why is that?It"s so awkward without a groom!


An ordinary heart to treat everything around, is also a realm.


I don"t want hugs, because there is no heart beat.


Life is short, treat yourself, tomorrow is better


You have to talk to me today, okay?Talk about what?Fall in love.


We are like a puppet playing hippy, the heart of the reluctant to master the body of the silk, the director of a farce of their own.

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