
忍不住感动的温情短句 温柔而高级 适合发圈


What we call life today is history later 拉你的左手,在雨中无尽头奔跑,最后最后,我们幸福的依偎

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Blue sky waiting for misty rain, and I am waiting for you


What we call life today is history later.


Pull your left hand, endless running in the rain, finally finally, we are happy to snuggle.


Thank you, although never together.


It"s never the copy that makes you cry


Turn your back, and you will not see the tears I have reserved for you.


I can not let you go, is no one can give you to replace


Karen Mok"s cloudy day, Stefanie Sun"s rainy day and Jay Chou"s sunny day are not as good as you and me chatting.


Have you paid the rent for residing in my heart?


Hold my hand, you can walk with your eyes closed without getting lost.


I have ten thousand kinds of reasons to want to care about you, but the lack of a can care about your identity.


I really want to indulge myself, not so miss you.But your shadow seems to melt with me.No more separation.

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