
英语习语:it's raining cats and dogs倾盆大雨


For example:We cant go now because its raining cats and dogs 我们现在不能离开了因为雨下得非常大

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Idiom of the Day

(it"s) raining cats and dogs


Today: Sat, 31 Oct 2020


You can say "it"s raining cats and dogs" if it"s raining very hard.

it"s raining cats and dogs是指雨下得非常大。

For example:

We can"t go now because it"s raining cats and dogs.


Why do people always use "it"s raining cats and dogs" as an example of an idiom? No-one actually uses it any more, do they?

为什么人们总是使用“it"s raining cats and dogs”呢? 难道没有其他的习语可用了吗?


The first time this phrase appeared in print was in Jonathan Swift"s A Complete Collection of Genteel and Ingenious Conversation in 1738, in which he wrote, "I know Sir John will go, though he was sure it would rain cats and dogs". The phrase"s source before this time remains a mystery, despite the many theories that have been put forward to explain its origin.

这句话第一次出现在印刷版中是在乔纳森·斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift)于1738年出版的《A Complete Collection of Genteel》书中,他写道:“我知道约翰爵士会去的,尽管这会儿雨下得很大”。 尽管提出了许多解释其来源的理论,但该词在此之前的来源仍然是个谜。

Quick Quiz

It"s raining cats and dogs, so

a. watch out for falling animals

b. make sure you take an umbrella

c. keep your pets inside

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