
适用于失恋的小短句 温柔又文雅 温暖入心!


Your father must have been a thief who stole stars from the sky and put them in your eyes 你是我矛盾又期待的梦,抓不住却又拥不了的风

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Missing you is the only thing I can do, loving you is the only way I can go!


Your father must have been a thief who stole stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.


You are my contradictory and look forward to the dream, can not catch but can not hold the wind.


I am your endless dream in this world, but I never lose smile for one hundred days.


Everyone, there is a world, quiet and lonely.


You are a lovely boy and I am lovely.


Call insomnia don"t make, others have slept for so long so long.


Peace of mind happiness than three things: someone to believe in you, someone to accompany you, someone waiting for you.


You can walk up the hall, down the kitchen, kill a horse, climb over a wall, drive a car, buy a house, fight a mistress, beat a rascal.


Bustling, find a unmanned valley, build a wooden hut, shop a bluestone path, and your morning bell and evening drum, as if in peace.


I was hoping you could pick up my phone, so if you need anything, let me know, okay?My dear.I"ll be waiting for your call.


When the crops refuse, the boatman does not let the wind.

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