
适用于失恋的小短句 阳光积极 触动了眼泪


What you have to do now is to read more books, sleep on time, and then become gentle and generous, continue to be kind

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My loneliness stems from my infinite thoughts on you, while your loneliness stems from your deep nostalgia for whom.


What you have to do now is to read more books, sleep on time, and then become gentle and generous, continue to be kind and keep loving.


At the beginning, I am persistent for you because I love you. Finally, I cry for you, because I lost you. Only the middle is left. We are happy and happy together. We would rather laugh and cry than cry and say regret. Cry because you are no longer sad, but cry because you are moved.


What melancholy brings is not sentimental talent, but a road of no return to the infinite abyss of sentimentality.


Getting rid of poverty is really more important than getting rid of the bill.


Years are like a river, the left bank is an unforgettable memory, the right bank is a youth worth grasping, and the middle is a faint sadness of youth. There are many beautiful things in the world, but not many of them really belong to themselves. look


We will never replace each other as before; We will never love as hard as before until we cry.


Intoxicated, too late to meet, too late to get tired, and hurried away, leaving a little lost in the world.


Finally understand the importance of communication and trust, and finally understand the feeling of giving up and despair to a person. God"s will is so!


Have you ever thought that you are each other"s happiness? Love is not to escape, but to strive. Instead of evading the responsibility of giving each other happiness, we should strive to fulfill the obligation of making each other happy. When you say that you are leaving to prevent the other party from being hurt, you have already caused the greatest harm to the other party.


If you don"t care about a person, you should block all his things when the person doesn"t exist. I choose to take the initiative to forget. Don"t want to think again. Give up!


How can I change my destiny when the years have mercilessly mottled the love on Sansheng Stone? Therefore, only let the clouds of acacia in the depths of the soul fly and let them drift, slowly covering the lonely sandbar.


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