
伤心时看的高级伤感小短句 简单而温柔 满眼失望!



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Lovers say and do a lot of boring things.Happiness is that someone is boring with you. But what"s rare is that both of you don"t feel so.


Thank you for the time, impartial, escaped the storm, let me just meet you.


Love can find entrance, not only into an open heart, but also into a heart well fortified.-- -- bacon


You think my heart is made of titanium stainless steel waterproof, fireproof and lightning proof.


Once so in love with two people, strangers.Left behind are incomplete memories and heartache.


It"s good that you"re fat. I like you a lot more.


Rip, may you have a good trip to heaven, I still can"t believe it, it was fine before the holidays.


You are the lotus in my heart.I just want you to bloom.Want you for a long time.


It"s not that I don"t love you now, but I never loved you.


I use a smile to make the ending more sad.


There must be something wrong with my eyes. I can"t take my eyes off you.


A man who does not bathe will not smell good if he puts on perfume.Fame and honor are derived from genuine learning.Virtue is the fragrance of nature.

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