
能分享在朋友圈的情绪短句 懂你的每个瞬间 触动了眼泪


Dear, you in my heart, always very safe, no one can disturb you, until my heart failure 在月,星期八,第小时,第分,或许你会是我的

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Wait until you lose patience and courage?


Please understand my sincere apology!I"m sorry!


Dear, you in my heart, always very safe, no one can disturb you, until my heart failure.


On the eighth of the month, the hour, the minute, maybe you"ll be mine.

甚至某一个瞬间 突然地立减为零

Or even a moment of sudden reduction to zero


If you do not wash your clothes, you will get dirty; if you do not plough your fields, you will waste them.


I was too clumsy to duck in time.To see the happiness taken away.


One uh, one oh, ruined everything I wanted to say.


I want to cry, beat your chest, big bastard!!


I heard you are far away, starting to travel thousands of miles.I blow over the wind you blow, this is not a hug.I walk the way you walk, this is not reunion.


I"m the one who pissed you off, so I"m sorry


Your efforts may be invisible to others, but as long as you fail others will see, this is the reality.

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