
能分享在朋友圈的情绪短句 现实又无奈 适合置顶


The cold moon that depresses thousands and thousands of painful penetrating heart, with the dreariness that feels lonesome, s

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The cold moon that depresses thousands and thousands of painful penetrating heart, with the dreariness that feels lonesome, sing alone in the depths of the soul.


If he really likes you, you will feel it every day, it won"t make you feel like you have or don"t have.


When the tears fall down, just understand, love is not chase and possession!


Feelings, there will always be on and off;In life, there are always coming and going.Learning: shallow love, quiet love, deep thinking, light relief.


You can trust me, EXCUSE I help you find.


Marriage is a book, the first chapter is written poetry, the rest is plain prose.- the knicks


You keep saying I think too much, but you never explain it to me.

如果你走旳太远,不用回头看一眼 如果你走的太远 不用对彼此怀念。

If you go too far, don"t look back if you go too far don"t miss each other.


I love you not because you give me what I need, but because you give me feelings I never had.


The best thing I can do for you is to let you know that as bad as the world may be, you are loved.


For your temporary gentleness, I will fly my heart, hand over to you, you hurt fragmented, also speechless, because of flying heart, never receive back!


I have three things I"d like to say to you, including this one, thank you.


Streamer easy to throw people behind, as the oath in the wind flow away.


As long as you are simple, how can I bear to play with you?

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  1. 生无所求2024-01-08 20:43生无所求[江西省网友]
  2. 吴炜2024-01-03 04:25吴炜[西藏网友]
  3. 放弃  自由2023-12-28 12:08放弃 自由[福建省网友]
  4. 兰馨若冰2023-12-22 19:50兰馨若冰[云南省网友]
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