
在内心委屈时看的治愈文案 温柔又文雅 令人难忘


Unfortunately, we still can not love to the end 我会是护你周全,免你恐慌,舍不得你受半点委屈难过,无论如何都不会放弃你的人

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Unfortunately, we still can not love to the end.


I will be to protect you comprehensive, avoid your panic, do not want you to suffer any grievances sad, no matter how will not give up your people.


Your heart tao lung, is the eyes of the other side of the dead pestering rotten dozen neuropathy.


Male: "Can you wash something for me?"Female: "ok, wash what?"Male: "Like me"


The beginning is always sweet


If we are children, you can stay in place of time, sit together to listen to those never old story side haoshou slowly.


In my eyes, you are a robber, because the moment I met you, you will take my heart away, but not to return.


Love is finding someone with whom you can still be yourself.


Your magic is to let my soul around the dream, virtually let me be willing to be knocked down by you.


Spelled a life to forget a memory, in fact, already deep bone marrow.


The so-called life is like this, just like the seeds of plants are blown away by unexpected wind, we wander in the accidental land.


Deep feeling is not long with, love need not say much

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