
优质的伤感小短句 简短而温柔 治愈内心


Life is a wonderful journey, on the train to no return 那些丢掉的,逝去的,失去的,忘记的,通通都点击删除

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Life is a wonderful journey, on the train to no return.


Those lost, lost, lost, forgotten, all click delete.Delete files forever.


Thank you I can not live in your eyes, so I can hug your back.


The earth is round because God wants people who are lost or lost to meet again.


Because it"s you, so I do.


Back and forth thoughts fly with you, without you the world is a waste.


When you lose me, you will know that no one can do this to you.


Mountains and rivers arch hands, a smile for you.


Man: "Can you lend me your cup?"Female: "why?"Male: "because I want to lend you a lifetime."


It took all my luck to meet you for you.


When you"re angry, I let you take the fall.When I"m angry, I take it out on myself.


I love thee with the passion of my old sorrow and the faith of my boyhood, and I am ready to halve my rights and multiply my duties.

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