
优质的伤感小短句 温柔治愈 令人难忘



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Whenever I think of you in the dead of night, my tears can"t help but flow downwards. I try my best to lift the hands you held, dry my tears and wait for time to turn back.


Looking back on the days when we were together, my mind was in a daze. Your energetic body always comes into my dream with moonlight, which makes me worry about it constantly.


Yesterday, I had a stomachache and couldn"t play with my cell phone. I told him that I had a stomachache and asked what you were doing. He said he was sleeping and didn"t even say a word of concern. Who knows my heart?


Looking back, you are gone, leave me where I am, and wait foolishly.


The waiting time was too long, and I forgot what was the reason for waiting at first.


Many things can"t get full marks, just like life is sweet and depressed, and many miracles are waiting to happen, just like we will meet many people.


Waiting is not expecting you to come back, just wandering in place and finding an excuse to stay.


After the physical examination, waiting for the result is very painful! Awakened by a nightmare. Dreaming of hospitalization, the worst outcome, malignancy, treatment, chemotherapy, waiting for death! I"m scared! Not loathe to give up the world, but loathe to give up my baby, she is still so young, I haven"t grown up with her, but I want her to experience my death! Then I was relieved. Where was she? How should she spend her long life? Who will accompany her at each growth stage? Unknown life is full of frustrations, will she spend it smoothly? I cried. Reluctant, the only thing I can"t give up is her! God, please bless me, everything is good!


I woke up again, and I missed people. I dreamt that he didn"t know how long it would take for such a miserable day. He insisted on being afraid of hurting him without results, but he gave up but violated my heart. He was afraid of hurting each other. He was afraid of complaining more than being patient. He couldn"t stand the wind and rain. To be precise, he drove a long-distance bus after a while. I didn"t say any words of instruction, so I knew I couldn"t see it for several days. When I got home, I realized that I didn"t say the last word I should say, but it was too late to wash and change


I am your kite, the thread is in your hand, but only the wind and rain can accompany me.


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