
雅思口语话题 How to talk about your family


How to talk about your family雅思口语话题谈论你的家庭,这时你需要说你家里有几口人? 和周末或有空时喜欢和家人做些什么事情?等。具体如何表

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How to talk about your family

雅思口语话题-谈论你的家庭,这时你需要说你家里有几口人? 和周末或有空时喜欢和家人做些什么事情?等。具体如何表达我们请往下看。文章共有六部分, 内容是由浅入深的,每部分都有例句,大家静下心慢慢看到最后必定会有所收获。如果你考试时抽到这个话题那肯定能拿到高分!




There are( )people in my family.

你可以说:There are three people in my family or There are five people in my family.


There are nine people in my family:

I have two brothers, one sister, my uncle and aunt, two grandparents and my parents of course.

或者,There are four people in my family: my wife, my two sons and myself.


——I have two brothers and one sister.

——I just have one sister.

——I"m an only child.

需要加更多细节和信息:你的brother 和sisiter是比你年幼还是比你年长?还有你在家里的排名?

——I have two older brothers and one older sister, I"m the youngest in the family.

——I just have one sister, who"sfive years older than me .

——I"m the middle child: my brother is two years older, and I have a younger sister who"s finishing university this year.


immediate family,指你的父母,兄弟姐妹和你的另一半,当然还有你自己。

——You, your husband/wife, childrren, parents, brothers and sisters

extended family,指除父母和子女外,还包括祖母,祖父,阿姨,叔叔等家庭。

——Aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, grandparents, grandchildren


——Myimmediate family is quite small, because I"m an only child. My mum is one of five children, so I have a lot of counsins, who are kind of like my brothers and sisters.

——There are six people in my immediate family: my parents, my brother and his wife, my sister and me. I have a lot of other relatives, but they live in Canada so we don"t see them often.




——I have three kids: two boys and girl.

——We have a newborn daughter.

——We have one son, and my wife"s expecting our second child.


——I have three kids: two boys and a girl. Our eldest boy has just started secondary school, and two younger ones are still in primary school.

——Wehave a newborn daughter。 She"s just two weeks old now, so we"re still getting used to things!

——We have one son, and my wife"s expecting our second child. We don"t if it"s a boy or girl, but we"ll find out in three months.



谈谈你与大家庭的关系怎么样? 平时与大家都做些什么事情?


——I"m very close to my family. we have dinner together every weekens.

——I see my older brother once a week; we play tennis or basketball together.

——I try to spend as much time as possible with my kids.


——I"m very close to my family. we have lunch together every weekend at my grandmother"s house. She always cooks something delicious!

——I see my older brother once a week; we play tennis or basketball together. I don"t see my other brother so often, because he lives overseas, although we talk on Skype every so often.

——I try to spent as much time as possible with my kids. We play cards, watch films, or go to the park if the weather"s nice.


——There are five people in my immediate family, althought my extended family is quite large. I have two brothers, both younger, so i"m the oldest child. I don"t have kids yet but I;d like to have a big family one day. I see my parents and my sisters quite often, becuase we all live near each other, although I don"t see my other relatives that much.


——I come from a big family: I"m fifth child, and I have three brothers and one sister. they"re all close to each other in age , but there"s a big gap between them and me. I don"t have lots of nieces and nephews! I don"t see my family often because I live in a different country, but I speak to them reguarly and we all get together once ore twice a year, which is always very noisy but lots of fun.


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