
可以治愈心灵的文字 治愈又美好 温情又有含义!


Its still windy, and its dark soon From July to July, from summer to autumn, the wind blows for a long time, which blows away many people 还在刮风,很快就天黑了

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Trust is the easiest thing to lose in the world and the hardest thing to recover.


It"s still windy, and it"s dark soon. From July to July, from summer to autumn, the wind blows for a long time, which blows away many people.


First, I can"t find someone as wonderful as Li Ao to be my friend. Second, I can"t sit down and listen to Li Ao"s wonderful speech.


I only ask myself once in a while, have I had enough trouble?


I want to be a fish because it has only seven seconds to remember, and it has never experienced vicissitudes and will not fall into memories.


I was hot for three minutes, but I fell in love with you all my time.


Growing up takes away not only time, but also the courage that was not afraid of losing.


If there is a choice, then choose the best; If you have no choice, try your best.


Today is so special, I didn"t dream of you, I didn"t feel sad, I didn"t miss you, and even I didn"t get wind on a rare cloudy day.


You are no longer my exquisite boy, and I am no longer your arrogant girl.


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