
看一眼就感同身受的文案 简单治愈 温情又有含义!


You can see the words I left on the screen, but you cant see the tears I shed on the keyboard 你可以看到我在屏幕上留下的文字,但你看不到我在键盘上流下的眼泪

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There are always two people in life, one is amazing and the other is gentle.


You can see the words I left on the screen, but you can"t see the tears I shed on the keyboard.


"Dogs live only four years." "That is longer than the word" kindness ".


Sadness just pulls out the dagger inserted in the heart and shows it to others, and it just splashes others with blood.


"Because in our sexual culture, we regard fertility as the purpose of sex, ignorance as purity, ignorance as virtue and prejudice as principle. Seeing love should be the attitude of one soul to another, not the reaction of one organ to another. "


Now I realize that a person can feel sad, without emotion, words and expressions.


Loneliness is the way to be lonely, just like the deeper you struggle in a swamp, and this kind of earning is in vain.


Flowers fail in winter, flowers bloom in spring, some people leave and some people return.


No matter how deep the memory is, it will be no match for the moment of the whole life, and it will be no match for the regrets missed in the long time.


It turns out that the saddest thing is that the tears are dry, and the heart is still so painful.


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