
英语百科:can/be able to 简析


can,be able to,属于情态动词一 can表示因为具备某些特点或者条件某人能够完成某件事,或某件事可能存在。1 can既表示能力也表示可能性。例:Bob

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can,be able to,属于情态动词

一 can表示因为具备某些特点或者条件某人能够完成某件事,或某件事可能存在。

(1) can既表示能力也表示可能性。

例:Bob can play the piano ,he was taken lessons for many years.

John is strong.He can lift that heavy box.

The theater can seet 10000 people

注:表示有能力做某事时,一般不用,be able to。



例:Our son could talk when he was two years old.

I could run fast when i was a child ,but now I can"t.

In those days few workers could support their families.

(3)could 表示过去有能力做某事,强调的是一般的能力,此时可用was/were able to 替换。

例:I could/was able to recite several poems when I was 3 years of age.

I could /was able to run fast when I was a child ,but now I can"t.

二 表示过去特定场合表现出的特定的能力,具体的能力,或是某人在某一场合设法成功地完成了某件事。

此时用was/were able to 相当于succeeded in doing /managed to do

例;With the aid of the wood ,he was able to swim across the river .

I applied everywhere and finally I was able to get a good jop.

He hurrried to the station and was able to catch the train.

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