
超治愈情感文案 治愈伤感 一眼难忘


I love you and I want to be with you 你知道我喜欢吃什么吗?痴痴的望着你

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I love you and I want to be with you.


Do you know what I like to eat?Looking at you crazily.


Find a man who loves to make you laugh. He will warm you like the sun.


The road ahead is too dark and rough. Don"t let me go alone.


Male: "I am a little afraid of you" female: "AM I very fierce?"Man: "No, because I"m afraid of my wife."


Our youth is so helpless.Too many memories become sad.


Staggered line, distance after all more and more far.


Love is attractive, marriage is binding.Trying to escape from both is futile.


Born in this world, there is no feeling is not full of holes.


My biggest fear is to face the past, to face the reality.


I high-minded exit, fulfill you that shameless happiness


There are some concerns in my heart, but some love has to each Ann tianya.

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