
超治愈情感文案 治愈伤感 深沉有意义!


失望。像喝了口凉水,从咽喉凉到胃。Disappointed Like drinking cold water, cool from the throat to the stomach 有时候想想没有你我也一样

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Disappointed.Like drinking cold water, cool from the throat to the stomach.


Sometimes think without you I also the same, but is more than a red eye socket.


People who are good to you are not so good to everyone;Always keep your people, is a precious cavity deep feeling.


My love for you.It"s like a tractor going up a hill, with a bang.


Like a silent chain into the deep sea I can not break, you still love on the shore.


Because it"s you, so I do.


You are too young to fall in love with you.


Delete you that moment suddenly feel relieved, then endless sad, I am not give up you, but let go of my own.


Sink in the music, miss and your past.


The most important and difficult thing in the world is not to be deceived by yourself.Open your eyes and see yourself clearly. Be unforgiving and unmerciful.


Who"s fingers, the flow is your light jiao yan?


I always believe that the so-called freshness is not to do the same thing with unknown people, but to experience the unknown life with known people.


Please don"t take my tolerance to you as your shameless capital.


If you are still afraid of marriage, I will wait for you.Until one day you said: Honey, let"s get married.

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