
JYIS ▏建业外国语中学正式获得IGCSE和A-Level考试中心官方授权



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Mr.ChenWen,who is authorized representative of Edexcel Examinations Authority, conferred The IGCSE and A-Level Centre qualifications officially to Jianye International School, and Mr. Zhu Yongren, the principal of Jianye International School, accepted the award on behalf of school on September 4th, 2020. In addition, Mr. Li Chao, who is the teaching supervisor,Mr. Chen Jie, the vice principal of Jianye International School also attend the authorization ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Miss Cui Yujia, the director of the International Department of Jianye International School.


It is understood that Jianye International School has officially obtained the IGCSE and A-Level examination qualifications authorized in August 2020. The examination centre number is 94345. With this authorization, students of Jianye International School will acquire the teaching, service and examination of foreign advanced courses officially provided by Edexcel. For social students who intends to study abroad, the school will conduct professional assessment and suggestions, and organize students to participate in the A-Level course training and global examination. Hence, it is could contribute students to study in worldwide famous university of UK, USA, Canada, Australia, European Union, Hong Kong, China and so on.


Mr. Chen Wen said,‘I am delighted to attend Jianye International School authorized ceremony, as the representative of the examination authority, and I give my congratulations and gratefulness to Jianye International School. The successful establishment of A-Level Examination Centre, marks that the international development of Jianye International School has once again stepped onto a new level and opportunity. From then on, Jianye International School could provide examination and training platform for students and families who want to study abroad. It can be predicted that in the near future, with the contribution of such a big platform and brand of Jianye, more students and families will successfully entry top 50 or even top 10 universities for undergraduate study oversea through the cultivation of Jianye International School!’


Meanwhile, Mr. Chen Wen also elaborated the significance of the authorization. He mentioned three points as follows:


Firstly, Edexcel is the largest examinations authority in the United Kingdom and the largest body that issues academic examinations. In addition, Edexcel is the official partner of Pearson Education Group. Its business involves academic qualification certification,academic English certification, international certificate certification for primary and secondary school students and other aspects. Jianye International School is the brand new centre in Zhengzhou after strict qualification check by the Examination Bureau, which is also a high recognition of the brand influence and teaching level of Jianye International School. Meanwhile, the establishment of Jianye International School Examination Centry also expanded the influence of Edexcel in Zhengzhou city and Henan Province.


Secondly, compared with other international courses, A-Level courses and exams have great advantages both in terms of knowledge difficulty and examination format. Therefore, A-Level courses could help students from Zhengzhou to world top universities, such as University of Oxford,University of Cambridge, The National University of Singapore, University of Melbourne and so on. These universities are all ranking among the top 50 in the world.


Lastly, the establish of A-Level examinations centre, could satisfy students of Jianye International School and off-campus students in Henan Province. All of them could take the exams in Jianye instead of joining exams abroad. At the same time, Edexcel can also authorize other examination subjects of Jianye International School in order to provide convenience for school internationalization.


Mr.Lichao made a speech of A-Level explanation

解读A-Level国际课程。A-Level explanation ---


Firstly, A-level is a course for high school students in the UK and the commonwealth countries. It contains 76 subjects and is accepted by more than 11,000 universities in more than 160 countries around the world as standard for university admission. Foreign universities require only three of them when they admit students. It means if Chinese students want to entry good university abroad, they can be admitted to a foreign university as long as they have completed the A-Level courses.


Secondly, the examination model is different from the national college entrance examination and other international exams. A-level exams are given three times a year - in January, June and October - and are of the same effect. Candidates can choose the exam time and subjects on the basis of own situation. Addtionally, the grading standard of A-Level adopts the principle of "high score instead of low score". The examinee can choose to take the exam several times and use the best score instead of the lower score. In addition, A-Level is graded as "hierarchy", and grades include A*, A, B, C, etc. In this way, some disadvantages of "score value" in domestic exams are avoided. It can help students to get the highest grades.


Thirdly,depend on Chinese student characteristics, there are six subjects: Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Accounting and Chinese. Students can choose and study three subjects. The difficulty of each course is basically the knowledge difficulty of junior middle schools and senior high schools in China, and each course has a large number of old exam questions for students to practice and test. Therefore, no matter the liberal arts student or the science student, they can choose the suitable subjects to learn, and through a lot of training of real questions, so as to achieve satisfactory results in the exam;



任同学,现就读于英国帝国理工大学(世界排名第 8 名),数学金融专业;A-Level成绩:数学A*,进阶数学A*,化学A*;

季同学,现就读于英国伦敦大学 UCL(世界排名第 10 名),统计,经济与金融专业;A-Level成绩:数学A*,进阶数学A*,物理A;

张同学,现就读于英国爱丁堡大学(世界排名第 20 名),心理学专业;A-Level成绩:数学A*,进阶数学A*,物理A;

王同学,现就读于加拿大多伦多大学(世界排名第 25 名),计算机专业;A-Level成绩:数学A*,进阶数学A,物理A;

高同学,现就读于英国国王大学(世界排名第 29 名),数学统计专业;A-Level成绩:数学A*,进阶数学A*,物理A*;

张同学,现就读于英国曼彻斯特大学(世界排名第 34 名),商务管理专业;A-Level成绩:数学A*,进阶数学A,会计A;

魏同学,现就读于澳洲悉尼大学(世界排名第 40 名),会计学专业;A-Level成绩:数学A*,进阶数学A,会计A*;

王同学,现就读于中国香港中文大学(世界排名第 43 名),人文社会学专业;A-Level成绩:数学A*,物理A,会计A;




Finally, Mr. Zhu Yongren, the principal of Jianye International School, made a speech on behalf of the school. He first expressed his gratitude to Edexcel Bureau for its trust and affirmation to Jianye International School.


‘Jianye International School has always made it its goal to become one of the world"s top hundred-year schools,’he said, ‘The characteristics of the school are individuation,diversification and internationalization. Every student is an individual, they have their own special skills, and they can find out the development direction of, the multivariate evaluation to the classmates, not only academic achievement to judge students quality stand or fall, this is just want to do international school, let life a better education. However, Zhengzhou is a inland city after all, and many parents still need to expand the pattern of children"s education. Our school is the leader of education, so leading parents" educational thinking and supporting the healthy growth of students is what the school should always do. Today"s authorization of A-Level centre is just a node, from which the school hopes to bring out an ecosystem, which will spread downward from high school A-level and connect with junior and primary IB courses, with the same aspiration from top to bottom and the same unity from the outside to the inside, so as to enrich the ecosystem of international education!"

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