
唯美高级的情感文案 精致而高级 满是无奈感!


Im still not good enough, Im still not brave enough, and I still cant pass my own level 在这个新环境里,我又找到了那种感觉

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I"m still not good enough, I"m still not brave enough, and I still can"t pass my own level.


In this new environment, I found that feeling again. I"m familiar with it, and I can"t help attracting the past. In my opinion, every step of loving you should be careful. I don"t want to take a detour, perhaps because I am afraid of being hurt. At that moment, there was a suffocating sadness.


The hustle and bustle of the world and the brightness of the world, the happiness and happiness of the world are like a clear stream. In the wind, in front of my eyes, the noise passes by, and the warmth gushes out like spring water. I don"t expect anything, I just want you to be happy, no.


When I was young, there were always a few dreams to be broken. Even if you know the ending, you should stick to it.


There is less and less trust between us, just like two isolated cities across the river.


We laughed and said that we stayed in the same place at the same time, but it had already been swept away silently by the torrent.


However, when I think of Charles saying that he doesn"t deserve this beautiful night, when I think of his belief that he persisted all his life, but was fraudulently destroyed before he died, when I think that he finally left alone, I really can"t stop crying. Uncle Wolf, he is almost old, and his beloved people, family and friends have all left one by one. For him, dying like this may be the best ending, but why is it so cruel for the professor?


When people do it, every step is wrong, complaining, every step is difficult, all is experience, every step is bitter, all is experience. Well done, others boast. Too much praise is not necessarily a good thing. If you do something wrong, others will lose. If you lose too much, it will damage your reputation.


Some people say that insomnia is because you work hard in other people"s dreams.


I have been betrayed by my friends, hurt by my favorite people and betrayed by my most trusted people, but the strangest thing is that I live better than all of them. good night

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