
那些高质量的心情文案 温柔治愈 懂你不易


Who is not a baby, I am my fathers most precious baby 不要跟我说什么下次见,我就是要现在见

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Who is not a baby, I am my father"s most precious baby.


Don"t tell me to see you next time, I just want to see you now.


If you want me, just tell me. Let me have a reason to miss you!


My happiness is to go to the park every evening to watch basketball, not only handsome, but also abdominal muscles!


My best friend, when we are old, let"s go to the nursing home together. Anyway, love won"t happen. We don"t have this thing


Come on, Cupid, can you take an extra shift and help me shoot him.


You are really not an ordinary person. You are not even an individual.


I learn the way he plays the guitar, the way he talks, but I can"t become him.


Singing a few cheerful love songs, the feeling of loneliness in my heart is more and more strong.


I don"t give up because I"ve tried to like you for so long. I can"t let my efforts be in vain.


Some people can"t sleep, while others can"t.


In the adult world, it seems that there is only a choice to weigh the pros and cons, and no one cares whether you are sincere or not.


As the countdown to the cold war begins, it depends on which of us can"t hold our breath first.

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