
高质量的治愈系文案 简短温柔 一见倾心


If you can turn back can also see my eyes retain 爱可以另一个原本高尚的人堕落,也可以让一个堕落的人变得高尚

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If you can turn back can also see my eyes retain.


Love can corrupt another noble man, or make a depraved man noble.


I"d give anything just to touch you one more time!


True love comes after giving up one"s own happiness.


If one day, you say you miss me, I will say to you too late.


I love you, but in your eyes I became you.


Love is still love, even if meeting is really impossible.


M: Do you like sweets?W: No.M: Then why are you so sweet?


If heaven is too crowded, then we go to hell rampant together.


No matter the tide rises and falls, the wind rises and the rain stops, I would like to put my hands together, a quiet again and again, watering you, with immortal loyalty, with all my life.


Never waste a minute of your time thinking about anyone you don"t like.


I heard that you have changed recently. You have quit smoking, drinking, gambling, sex, greed, boredom, work, love, so people call you eight quit.

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