
英语中Kind of all kinds of a kind of与be kind to的用法解析


关于kind的用法做如下解析1 kind of意为稍微;有点儿,用来修饰形容词,相当于 a little或a bit。2kind用作名词时,意为种类。常见短语:all kinds

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(1) kind of意为“稍微;有点儿”,用来修饰形容词,相当于 a little或a bit。



all kinds of….“各种各样的…”,

a kind of… “一种…”,

different kinds of….“不同种类的…”

many kinds of…. “许多种…”

(3)kind用作形容词时,意为“体贴的;友好的”;be kind to意为“对……友好的=friendly


Well, because she"s kind of boring


There are many kinds of birds in the zoo.


She is very kind to us.



1.Do you know that there are different_______animals in the zoo.

-Yes, I do. And I also know that some of them are ________scary.

A kinds of: kind of B. kinds of; kinds of

C. kind of; kinds of D. kind of; kind of


All the teachers in the school are kind_______ ________.

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