
2021牛年春节拜年祝福句子 温馨如旧 句句经典 快去分享吧!


Knowledge is your precision, age is your length, character is your purity, passion is your temperature, will is your strengt

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Knowledge is your precision, age is your length, character is your purity, passion is your temperature, will is your strength, honor and disgrace is your height, opportunity is your qiao degree, I wish you the Year of the Ox to celebrate the Spring Festival.


Taurus comes and moos; Wind and rain, grain laugh; The best, peace cover; Good health, longevity to; Kiss full house, joy around; Lucky to find, lucky as; All carefree, as free and unfettered. Happy Spring Festival!

3、 有一种快乐叫做乐观,有一种幸福叫做知足,有一种痛苦叫做狭隘,有一种收获叫做信念,有一种坚持叫做执着,有一种情谊叫做惦记。春节,愿你称心如意!

There is a kind of happiness called optimism, there is a kind of happiness called contentment, there is a kind of pain called narrow, there is a kind of harvest called faith, there is a kind of persistence called persistence, there is a kind of friendship called caring. The Spring Festival, wish you the best!


The Spring Festival New Year came early, sincerely wish a happy New Year. New Year wealth and treasure, family harmony without trouble. A year is better than a year, four seasons peace and happiness! Happy Year of the Ox!


New Year fluttering snow, it is flying fuwa. Fuwa fly Jiangshan Jiao, fuwa fly the world enchanting: fly to the world rat year, Shenzhou up and down the bonanza! Snow Piaofu, fuwa Feifu: Fu 2021!


Ox brings good luck long, send joy home Ruixiang. The earth wind and the sun laugh, lucky stars shine on the house. Full of spring trouble, everything goes well body ankang. Now SMS message message, meaning deep warm heart flying!

7、 有一种幸福叫知足,有一种痛苦叫狭隘,有一种收获叫信念,有一种坚持叫执着,有一种快乐叫乐观,有一种情谊叫惦记。春节,愿你称心如意!

There is a kind of happiness called contentment, there is a kind of pain called narrow, there is a kind of harvest called faith, there is a kind of persistence called persistence, there is a kind of happiness called optimism, there is a kind of friendship called caring. The Spring Festival, wish you the best!


Dragon horse spirit year of ox, happy body good mood. Wriggle neck twist waist, early to bed and early to rise often laugh. Active people keep a low profile and thrive. House house and field cleaning, Windows and clean family good. The year of the ox, I wish you health and peace! Happy New Year!


To the New Year, give you a dumpling, peace skin, wishful stuffing, with the truth cook hot, eat a happy, eat two happiness, eat three smooth, and then drink family health soup, aftertaste is warm, lingering fragrance is a blessing!

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