
秋言物语 I——12 禅与人生快乐的境界


Concentration and focus;feeling too deep leads to a life that can not be long 说到禅,绝大部分人一定会想到佛学、佛家

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Concentration and focus;feeling too deep leads to a life that can not be long.

说到“禅”,绝大部分人一定会想到佛学、佛家。其实,“禅” 不是佛家的专利。禅在人们的生活和工作中无处不在。比如,人在科 学研究发明、文学艺术创作、企业管理和营运策划,乃至阅读、看电 影电视等活动中,都可以不知不觉地完成一次“禅定”的过程。


不同的人有不同的禅境,禅的境界因人而异。老子一生的“禅 定”留下了千古不朽的《道德经》五千言。当代乔布斯通过“禅定” 创造了众人追逐的“苹果”,阿里巴巴、腾讯无一不是马云、马化腾 的“禅定”之作。

任何形式的意念专一和专注,都可以称之为“禅”。专心专注、 一心一意,时间越长,其定力越大;定力越大,其成就越大。

说到“情深不寿”,人们可能难以理解。“情深不寿”的意思是, 太执着于情的人寿命不长,这里的“情深”是指对亲情、爱情和友 情用情过重。

透过文学或现实的人物,我们可以看到很多才情女子命不长, 红颜而命薄。《红楼梦》的林黛玉以及饰演林黛玉的陈晓旭、歌手邓 丽君、作家三毛等等,她们无一不是情意深重而早离人世的女子。

情执尤以女人为重,女人又以爱情为重。一个执着于个人情感 的人,其内心深处一定是自私和狭隘的。把情感倾注在某一人身上 而不肯放手,天长日久由情生爱、由爱生痴、由痴生苦、由苦生恨、


好男儿志在天下,好女人慈悲喜舍,效法天地无情大爱。这才 是人生无比快乐的精神境界。

Speaking of “Zen”,most people will certainly think of Buddhism and Buddhists. In fact, “Zen” is not a Buddhist concept. Zen is ubiquitous in people"s lives and work. For example, people can meditate without complete understanding of the process of “meditation”. Just as people may fall into the realm of Zen in scientific research and inventions, literary and artistic creation, corporate management and operation planning, and even reading and watching movies and television.

Zen” or “meditation” is also called spiritual cultivation, which is the specificity and concentration of ideas.

Different people have different Zen environments. The realm of Zen varies from person to person. The “meditation” of Lao Tzu left behind the eternal Five Thousand Words of the Tao Te Ching. The contemporary Jobs created the “Apple” through “meditation” chased by the mass. Alibaba and Tencent are both Ma Yun and Ma Huateng"s creation through “meditation”.

Any form of mindfulness and focus can be called Zen. The longer it takes to focus and concentrate, the greater its determination; the greater the determination, the greater its achievement.

There is a phrase “feeling too deep leads to a life that can not be long.” Many people may find it difficult to understand.

The “feelings” here refer to over-reliance on affection, love and friendship. So in essence, the phrase means people who are too dedicated to emotions do not have a long life.

Through literary or realistic figures, we can see that many talented women suffer a fate of a short life span.

Lin Daiyu from A Dream of Red Mansions, Chen Xiaoxu who plays Lin Daiyu, the singer Tang Lijun, and the author San Mao are all deeply emotional, all suffer a tragic fate.

The women are especially all deeply emotional, and women are particularly for love. A person who is attached to personal emotions must be selfish and narrow-minded. Focusing on an individual"s emotions and reluctantly letting go: love will make you crazy, suffer by bitterness, hate and bitter, and do harm to your health. As a result, health diminishes with tears and life shrinks in the hatred.

A good man"s aspiration is in the world, and a good woman is merciful and joyful, imitating the heaven and the earth. This is the very spiritual realm of life.

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