
在内心委屈时看的治愈文案 简单美好 深情暖心


You must have been a soda in your last life, right?Why else would I want to bubble when I see you 茫茫人海中,遇见你是我的

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Will you walk with me?Not far, just for a lifetime


You must have been a soda in your last life, right?Why else would I want to bubble when I see you.


In the boundless huge crowd, meeting you is my lucky, falling in love with you is god"s arrangement, if I can marry you, accompany you to walk through life, will be my happiness!


Sometimes you choose to distance yourself from someone, not because you don"t care about them, but because you know they don"t belong to you.


If you want the best in the world, let the world see the best in you.


The definition of loneliness, you don"t really know.


I want to embrace you, because to me, you are god"s angel.


Nullify any romance that involves you.


If I could do it again, I would like to meet you earlier and be with you earlier.


All I need is someone who can stay with me no matter how hard it is.


I don"t know when it started, but finding you in a crowd has become my best thing.Miss the place to reach, eyes and everywhere is you.


Love has a magic power that makes a person fall for another person.

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