
超暖心的治愈系文案 简单而高级 治愈伤感伤心


Life is not a spiral, or in circles 我不允许你削苹果,我怕血,所以我不会让你的血有流出来的可能!I do not allow you to peel the a

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Life is not a spiral, or in circles.


I do not allow you to peel the apple, I am afraid of blood, so I will not let your blood flow out of the possibility!


Your eyes are overloaded with tears, passengers are desperate and heartbroken.


Always edge shallow, how deep.


Your affection, my deep feeling, such water and fire, whether fusion.


Give me a meet, but don"t give me a love.Give me a love, but do not give me forever.


Love you is my career, think you is my career, hold you is my specialty, kiss you is my professional!


A man never knows what a woman is thinking and a woman never knows what a man wants.In fact, love which is so difficult, but two words: cherish.


Lonely stage, I constantly review you have given the gentle.


The greatest happiness in life is that you find the one you love is loving you as well.


How much courage to accumulate, dare to love once.


You are where you think and where you look.

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