
疗愈又唯美的高级文案 甜蜜暖心 温柔又治愈


Three truths of life;Violence really can solve everything, handsome really can be a meal, rich really can do anything 至今仍然不相信那句,你走了我当你没有来过

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Three truths of life;Violence really can solve everything, handsome really can be a meal, rich really can do anything.


Still do not believe that sentence, you leave me when you have not come.


Finally realized the pain of burning inside, only hope to fall off the cliff feeling in the bang like landing sound over!


Can not find the reason to chat with you, had to silently look at you and others giggle.


When someone loves none, he will fall in love with anyone around him.

别人喜欢你了我可以抢回来 ?别人喜欢你了我可以抢回来,但是你喜欢别人了我该怎么办。

Someone else likes you and I can take it back?Other people like you, I can get back, but you like others, what should I do?


There"s a little pressure on the little heart.


Have you ever wanted to talk to someone, but you wanted them to come to you first and stare at their picture over and over again?


I have him in my dream, even if I am crying, please don"t wake me.


The furthest distance in the world is when I stand in front of you, but I can only wish you happiness.


Having the honor to accompany you for the rest of my life is the greatest fortune in my life.


M: Let"s finish our friendship.W: Why?Man: Because love is about to start.

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