


1 不吃早餐 题目:你认为正确吗?如果不正确,给出其他的几条健康建议有很多中学生很少吃早餐。这是一种很不好的习惯。对于不吃早

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There are many middle school students who seldom eat breakfast. It"s a very bad habit. Most of the reasons for not having breakfast are lack of time. I think it"s very bad for health. I have some suggestions for this.

First of all, we must realize that breakfast is very important to a person. We should not only eat, but also eat all kinds of food, so that we have enough energy to study. What’s more, we should ensure enough sleep, avoid staying up late. For middle school students, they should sleep at least 8 hours. Last but not least, do some exercise to make yourself more energetic.

In a word, every one of us should pay attention to health. -122

2.健康的重要性和秘诀 The importance and secrets of keeping healthy

考点:健康的重要性;健康秘诀 健康报告会。




Health is very important to everyone. With health, we can enjoy a better life. Better study, better grade. Without health, we will lose everything.

How to keep healthy? Everyone has a different view. In my opinion, there are three main aspects. First of all, it is very important for us to be optimistic. A good attitude can avoid most diseases. What’s more, we should maintain a healthy diet and proper sleep, not overeating, especially for dinner. Don"t stay up late and get 8 hours of sleep a day. Last but not least, we should make a habit of sports. It is because I keep running every day, so my body is very healthy.

I hope we all have a healthy body. -123






Waste sorting has entered every district of Dalian city. It can save resources and reduce land pollution. How should we do for it?

First of all, we should recognize the importance of waste sorting, learn relevant knowledge, such as what is harmful waste, recyclable waste, kitchen waste, etc. What’s more, we should collect different kinds of garbage in different bags in family, especial pay more attention to harmful garbage. For recyclable waste, such as paper shells and plastic bottles, we can sell it. Last but not least, It"s best for each family to prepare different color bins.

In a word, garbage sorting is very necessary, we should try our best to do it well. -116

4.How to protect environment





More and more attention has been paid to environmental problems. As a student, I think we should do the following things.

First of all, we shouldn’t throw garbage everywhere, we need to classify and store them. For recyclable waste, we can keep it in the bag and send it to the waste station for reuse. What’s more, we should save the use of water, electricity and gas. For example, water flowers with vegetable washing water, turn off the lights when no one in the room. Last but not least, we should save paper, such as not throw out the unused note-books, make draft paper on the back, etc.

To protect the environment is to protect ourselves. Let"s act now. -123





With the rapid developing of society, people pay more and more attention to low-carbon life. As a student, I think we should do the following things.

First of all, we go to school by bus or bike as much as possible. This will reduce the use of oil. What’s more, we should save the use of water, electricity and gas. For example, water flowers with vegetable washing water, turn off the lights when no one in the room. Last but not least, we should save paper, such as not throw out the unused note-books, make draft paper on the back, etc.

All in all, Low-carbon life is very important for environmental protection. Let"s act now. -117

如果让你列举两件以上生活中有利于环保的事,你可以这样起头:In fact, I have done lots of things




... live a healthy life.只有这样,我们才能享受新鲜空气,过上健康的生活环保(3)1. With the environment destruction getting worse and worse, environmental protection has attracted global concern随着环境破坏的日益严重,环境保护引起了全球的关注2. The destruct...

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