
送给自己的治愈文案 满是情怀 单纯文艺!


Secret love happens for no reason, a pure infatuated heart is waiting quietly 你好吗的确,如果你不来,我会很安全

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Secret love happens for no reason, a pure infatuated heart is waiting quietly. ]


How are you? Indeed, if you don"t come, I will be safe. Sometimes disappointment is a kind of happiness. Because of expectation, we will be disappointed. Because of love, even if we are disappointed, it is also a kind of happiness, although this happiness is a little painful.


Scattered, heartbroken and desperate, waiting for heroes to fight fate, shackles and vows to regain their freedom.


Just wait for a week on Friday, a summer, and a lifetime of happiness.


Don"t give easily, don"t trust love easily, and don"t wait for people who are not worth it.


Are you waiting for someone who can give you a warm feeling?


I know that happiness is not waiting for me, but I still can"t bear to let go.


-with a painful heart, waiting for the love once so far away//


The ruins of the ancient castle recorded the memory of being torn by blood, filled with waiting black wedding dresses, and forgot to cry in the wind.


I thought I could wait for you to apologize, but I found that you showed love with her. I waited stupidly!

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