
高级又走心的情感文案 满怀爱意 抚慰伤痛



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I am not perfect, but what I can give is unique.You are not perfect, but what you gave me is irreplaceable.


Dear Husband remember: after marriage, if the husband does not send flowers to his wife on Valentine"s Day, the wife will put a handful of green vegetables in the vase at home.


Love is accumulation, not love is also.


What do you say is the most difficult, is the long night, or two months and three years, is two people love each other can not meet, or you love the person does not love you.


"Do you like cats or dogs?" "Dog!" "Woof!"


Fish is the story of the sea, you are my story!


The so-called happiness, is a fool to meet a fool, attracted countless people"s envy and jealousy, ups and downs, flat.


Perhaps I do not have the fanatical love like the sun, also do not have the long love like water, only know the love you love you omnipotent for you.


I always like to look out the window just because I don"t want to see the way you look at her.


What I want is easy. There"s time. There"s you.


Promise with you is the most eternal scenery in my plain life.


As of today, I have given up.From now on, you are none of my business.

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