
舍不得情绪化的温柔小句子 句句用心 温柔而美好


Amnesia is the best relief, silence is the best to say 我真的只想安安静静地过完以后的日子少那么一丝勾心斗角

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Amnesia is the best relief, silence is the best to say.


I really just want to live quietly after the day less a trace of intrigue.


I want to be hugged by you, the kind that wraps my arms around my waist with both hands.


Since you don"t like me, let"s start with me liking you.


I can say with confidence that you are a girl worthy of the heart and the love of my whole life.


Maybe I am not able to forget you completely, at least I know how to leave properly.


I wish you could leave, leave his shadow behind you.


This one life, not easy, love each other to the old, not greasy.


Life, do not regret, if beautiful, called wonderful.If it"s bad, it"s called experience.


I want to be the first one to wake you up in the morning, and the last one to watch you fall asleep at night.


A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for many things, but will stick around.


If one day I give up, you have to know, it all comes from your don"t care.

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