
舍不得情绪化的温柔小句子 简单而大方 冷酷而深情


Some things turn around for a lifetime 静静地享受午后的阳光,很惬意,身边有你,很充实,更完美

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Some things turn around for a lifetime.


Quietly enjoy the afternoon sunshine, very comfortable, side with you, very fulfilling, more perfect.


Love in my eyes is so deep, accidentally hurt you.Do not want to therefore hit a deep knot between you and me, forgive me!


A look up to see the sky, the original is so blue.


A person"s world, very quiet, quiet can hear their own breathing and heartbeat.


Here I sincerely ask you to forgive me, don"t be angry, ok?


Endless bumpy, just because of you and happy, countless wind and rain, just because of you and free and easy.


Don"t always say that the coming days will be long, in this world between the waves are people walk tea cool.


With you just I don"t want to give anyone a chance!!


I miss you, from mouth to heart, from morning till night, everywhere, all the time, I miss you!A desire is very strong, want to be with you!


The person you end up with is the one you never thought you"d see.


No ability to block the direction you go, at least when I separate generous.

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