
适合在情人节的时候发的文案 绝对的甜蜜 幸福感满满


我喜欢吃,你就变成了厨师,我喜欢漂亮衣服,你就变成了裁缝,所以我才爱你!I like to eat, you become a cook, I like beautiful clothes,

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I like to eat, you become a cook, I like beautiful clothes, you become a tailor, so I love you!


The meaning of like is that you know my little temper and I can comfort you when you are tired!


I casually said a word you will remember, this may be my love!


The right person for you is not necessarily the one who loves you the most, but it is also the most gentle!


Everyone in this world is different in their way back, but you are willing to choose the same as you may be one person!


I have too many difficulties to pass in front of me. Fortunately, you accompany me!


If you can see the sun by turning the clouds away, can you see it!


The world"s ups and downs, I tasted three flavors, left a sweet, invite you to taste with me!


Amazing time of us, also let the earth envy!


That girl who once wrapped herself up, she loves a person is also gentle!

河水在有人过河的时候都会流的很慢,所以我们也慢慢的来过 !

The river water will flow very slowly when people cross the river, so we also come slowly!


I"ve seen deer deep in the forest, heard the clear bell in the morning, and met people who are gorgeous!

即使这个世间没有 什么章法,我也会用自己的方式爱你!

Even if there is no rules in this world, I will love you in my own way!

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